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How to Change Office 2019 Product Key

Should you choose to buy several licenses of Microsoft Office 2016 or 2019 and install them on numerous personal computers using the same Install button, the Office activation process will fail on all but one of these machines.

Enter Product Key

The reason for this issue is that each “Install” button has a specific product key that can only be used for a single installation on one computer. Therefore, if you want to install Office on another device, you will need to purchase a new copy, as you cannot reuse the same key. It is important to note that attempting to install multiple copies of Office at the same time can lead to conflicts.

This issue arises because each “Install” button corresponds to a distinct product key that is only valid for a single installation on one device. Thus, reusing the same key is not possible unless a new copy of Office is purchased. Attempting to install multiple copies simultaneously will result in conflicts.

Changing the product key on the additional PCs where you installed an Office copy will resolve this. There are two ways to accomplish this, one of which is by utilizing the Windows Command Prompt.


How to update the product key for Office 2019 and Office 2016

To modify your Office 2019 product key, once you have installed Office 2019, follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch an Office program

Choose and launch an Office 2016 or Office 2019 application. You can search for them or open a desktop shortcut to find them on your start menu (Windows icon).

Step 2: Go to License Change.

To update the Microsoft Office 2019 or 2016 license, go to File > Account > Change License. A new window will open.

Step 3: Instead, enter a product key.

If you are already signed in to your Microsoft account, click on the “Use a different account” button and select “Enter product key” to proceed with the product key change. However, if you are not signed in to any account, you can directly enter the product key without the need to sign in.

Step 4: Modify your product key

Please enter the product key for your preferred Office 2016 or Office 2019 version. Then, select “Install this product instead.” If this is a new product key, you will need to redeem it by following the instructions that will appear on the screen.

Step 5: Revise

We’re updating your Office application(s) right now. Close all Office programs in order to complete the product key modification.

How do we stop this from occurring?

We advise you to create a management document for your Office product keys, which should include the names of your desktop machines for convenient identification if you wish to avoid this problem in the future.

All you have to do is create a two-column table using any program or web service, including Google Sheets, Word, Excel, or Google Docs. Put the name of your desktop computer and the Office product key that is utilized on the PC in a column.

Sheet with text

 How to locate the product keys for Office

Be sure to jot down the complete product key and the name of the machine, which you should be able to recognize.

You must first log into the Microsoft account linked to your Office copy in order to locate the complete product key for any Office product you own. This account is the one you used to activate the Office application(s) throughout the download and installation process.

Just go to the Services & Subscriptions page and select Sign in with Microsoft to get started.

Sign in

Just input your accurate login information on this page to access your account and sign in.

Make sure you are using the account linked to your Office copy once more.

After logging in successfully, each product you own will have a “View product key” button next to it. This will make it simple for you to copy and write down every product key you own.


How to Verify the Version of Windows

To correctly arrange everything, you should next determine which product key is utilized on your machines.

To accomplish this, just type Command Prompt into the search bar that appears in the lower-left corner of your computer after clicking on the Windows symbol. If you do a right-click on it, choose “Run as administrator.”

Command prompt

Copy and execute one of the following commands by hitting Enter, depending on your OfficeBit version and operating system.

To determine whether your computer’s operating system is a 32-bit or 64-bit version, you can follow these simple steps: Right-click on the Windows icon located in the lower-left corner of your screen and select “System.” The system type will be displayed, which will allow you to confirm the bit version of your system without any difficulty.

To use Office and Windows 32-bit versions:

 Type script “C:\Program Files\Office16\OSPP.VBS from Microsoft Office”/dstatus

For Windows 64-bit and Office 32-bit: 

cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Office16\OSPP.VBS from Microsoft Office”/dstatus

For Windows 64-bit and Office 64-bit:

Use the command “script “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus” to verify the product key for your Office 2016 or Office 2019 installation on your PC.

You may determine which product keys you own and which machine they are installed on by using this command, which will show the last five characters of the product key.


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