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Best Free Online Classes to Take During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the fast transmission of the COVID-19 virus, many people have been forced to stay indoors and practice social distancing, self-quarantine, and remote work. If you find yourself bored and unsure of what to do, we recommend taking advantage of your free time by enrolling in some online classes to expand your knowledge.


This is a great time to expand your knowledge and skills. With many universities and websites offering free courses, you can learn something new even while isolating at home. Take advantage of this opportunity to pick up a new skill or improve your health and well-being while staying safe.


We have compiled a list of suggestions to help you make the most of these challenging times while ensuring your safety and comfort at home. Don’t miss this opportunity to develop and improve yourself.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and level of fitness throughout the confinement


Prioritizing your health is essential while spending a lot of time indoors. It is simple to fall into bad routines, such as eating junk food and unhealthy meals, spending the majority of the day in bed or in front of the computer, etc.

But did you know that one strategy to combat COVID-19 is to maintain your health?


Pro-tip: Keeping yourself well is one of the finest methods to work more efficiently. It can also support your defense against the COVID-19 virus.


The lessons listed below will undoubtedly assist you in shedding this mindset and maintaining the best possible physical and mental health.

Join Me in Yoga

Yoga enthusiasts can join a supportive community and boost their mental and physical health through DoYogaWithMe‘s website.

While the majority of the content on this website is free, those who are under quarantine can access a range of yoga sessions and challenges by signing up for a free two-month trial of the premium features. Even novices can learn yoga because each course has a skill level ascribed to it, and those who have previously practiced can locate knowledgeable instructors online.

Jordan Yeoh Exercise

It can be difficult for people who regularly go to the gym to maintain their workout routine without access to expensive equipment. But don’t worry, there is a solution! Jordan Yeoh Fitness is a YouTube channel that is completely free to access. On this channel, you can find a lot of helpful workout tips that can be done at home without any expensive gym equipment. Jordan has created several videos in which he shares fitness advice and demonstrates new moves that anyone can learn easily.

We heartily suggest checking out Jordan whether your goal during the new year was to gain more muscle or lose some weight.

Quar’s Eye

Would you like to learn how to cook and make some delicious, healthy, and filling meals while under quarantine? You only need to look at Antoni Porowski’s Quar Eye series, which is offered on his IGTV for free. In order for viewers to enjoy cooking, he offers easy-to-follow recipes. To enjoy cooking. Because of his sporadic updates, you will always have a few dishes to try each week with Antoni.

Get free instruction in coding.

Acquiring new abilities is not only a useful method to occupy your time during lockdown, but it is also a wise move for once the quarantine ends. Make the most of your time by using the many easily accessible, free online classes to learn how to work with code.

Academy of Code

Not sure how to start learning to code? We suggest trying out Codeacademy. Register for free to peruse a wide range of courses that cover various aspects of coding. The website offers excellent learning resources that let you practice in real-world situations, give you immediate feedback on your work, and let you learn as you go.

Learn about computer science.

Enroll in CS50x, Harvard University’s introductory computer science course, by visiting edX. This free introduction course covers key topics linked to coding and programming, such as algorithms, data structures, security, software engineering, and web development. The course lecturer, David J. Malan, focuses on teaching coding languages such as C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript, with a touch of CSS and HTML.

We wholeheartedly advise taking this course to learn more about computer science and programming if you prefer a more structured approach. Although the course is free, you can get a Verified Certificate to prove that you have finished training for a one-time cost of $90 USD.

JavaScript animation and illustration

Not all coding consists of complex web pages and scripts. You can quickly learn how to use JavaScript to create drawings and animations by enrolling in Khan Academy’s Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation course. The course, which is entirely free, goes into great length about having fun with coding. This is a great practice to attempt if you want to learn something new, let your creativity run wild, and stay away from people.

Free language-learning apps and websites

Make good on your ambitions to acquire a foreign language by using these resources. Every item on this list acknowledges that knowledge should never be restricted behind a paywall. Although learning a second language takes time and effort, the quarantine is an ideal place to start if you are lacking in any of those resources.


The best resource for entertaining language learning is Duolingo. Because of its interesting structure, users can learn new languages while competing with one another on weekly leaderboards, earning points, and rising through the ranks. The daily reminders will prevent you from putting things off, and the user-friendly layout will be fun for both web and smartphone users.


Babbel distinguishes itself from other language-learning apps by focusing on a few frequently missed areas. It is free to learn how to read, write, and communicate in the language of your choice. You can enroll in advanced classes if you would like to further your education.

Enjoy fun and free classes to unleash your creativity.

We have you covered whether you are searching for abilities that are specific to a certain niche or whether you just want to scroll through countless pages of content and select an intriguing subject. All of the websites listed below offer a collection of free, user-generated tutorials and courses that may teach you everything from how to play an instrument to how to become a viral sensation.


As of this writing, all registered users of Udemy get access to around 7000 free courses. You are able to enroll in any of these user-made courses. Acquire new abilities, increase your worldview, and look for help when you need it.


While Skillshare is a premium website, they offer a 2-month trial, which unlocks the entirety of the website, including every single course. In general, Skillshare courses are well-designed and thoughtfully crafted for every learner. Many instructors assign homework, facilitate communication and progress sharing among students enrolled in the same course, and help you build a sense of community.

We hope that by reading our post, you will be motivated to pick up a new skill and protect yourself from the continuing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. As Confucius once said, “It does not matter how slowly you walk as long as you do not stop.” We wish you luck on your travels.

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