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Converting CSV to Excel, Common Issues and Effective Solutions

Converting CSV to Excel can be tricky. Learn about how to convert CSV to excel and common issues such as formatting errors and their effective solutions.

csv to excel

Converting CSV to Excel is necessary for many individuals and businesses, but it can come with its fair share of challenges. 

This article will explore the common problems that arise when converting CSV to Excel and provide effective solutions to overcome them.

If you have tried to convert a CSV file to an Excel spreadsheet, you may have encountered formatting errors, missing data, or other issues that can slow down the process.

 Our article will provide expert tips and tricks to avoid these problems and streamline the conversion process.

No matter your level of experience as a data analyst, you will find useful information and solutions in this article to help you convert CSV to Excel.

So, read on and discover how to overcome the common issues when converting CSV to Excel.

TL; DR: Procedures for importing data into Excel from text or CSV files

To import data from a TXT or CSV file into an Excel spreadsheet, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Excel spreadsheet where you want to save the data.
  2. Click on the “Data” tab.
  3. In the “Get External Data” group, click on “From Text”.
  4. After you’ve choose which text or spreadsheet file format to use, click the “Import” button.
  5. 5. In the “Text Import Wizard” that appears, select “Delimited” and click on “Next”.
  6. 6. Select the delimiter that groups your data into individual columns in the Data preview field. Typically you’ll want to select “Tab” when converting a TXT file, and “Comma” when converting a CSV file.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select “General”.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Choose “Existing Worksheet”.
  11. Add “=$A$1” to the field. This makes your data begin in Row 1, Column A cell of the spreadsheet. If there are any blank rows in the spreadsheet above your data, it can cause a file import error.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Click Save.

What is CSV, and how is it used and created?

The comma-separated values (CSV) format is a popular and easy way to store data in a tabular format. The data is organized in a text file with commas for values and lines for records.  

Imagine it as a text file version of an Excel spreadsheet, with rows represented by lines and values separated by commas. The convenience of being able to import CSV files into popular spreadsheet programs like:

  • Excel
  • Google Sheets
  • Apple Number


Making a CSV file is a breeze. Any spreadsheet program, like as Excel or Google Sheets, can be used to create a CSV file. 

This file format is highly useful for organizations and individuals since it allows data to be easily transferred across various programs. Whether you’re in charge of a client database or doing sales data analysis, CSV can be a lifesaver when dealing with massive amounts of data.

A straightforward file format that can make data sharing and storage easier is comma-separated values (CSV). Data organization and distribution becomes a piece of cake when one lacks coding skills or familiarity with complex technologies.

What is Excel and how is it used and created?

Excel is a powerful software that helps users organize, calculate and manipulate data in a spreadsheet format. Think of it like a virtual notebook perfect for keeping track of information, such as:

  • Numbers
  • Names
  • Dates, etc.

excel sheet

Excel works by organizing data in a grid of rectangular boxes called “cells,” which are arranged in rows and columns.

This widely-used program has many applications, from basic computations to advanced data analysis. Formatting, sorting, calculating, and creating charts and graphs are just a few of Excel’s many features. It has widespread application in fields such as:

  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • advertising, etc.

It is simple to create an Excel document. Just launch the application and begin inputting data into the cells. You can then format the data, apply algorithms, and generate visual representations of the data using charts and graphs. Excel is an invaluable resource for both individuals and enterprises since it is an excellent tool for organizing and evaluating vast volumes of data.

You may organize and interpret your data with the aid of Excel, a feature-rich and intuitive tool. Excel is necessary for any project that uses data, whether it is budget management or sales data analysis.

TXT, CSV, and XLS file types’ distinctions

Text files (TXT files), comma-separated values (CSV files), and Excel (or Excel spreadsheets) are all viable options for storing, manipulating, and using data:

(1) Text Document (.TXT): Plain text files are commonly saved in text editors like TextEdit for Mac or NotePad for PC. When you copy and paste content into a text document, all of the formatting and styles are removed, leaving merely plain text. Because of this, data copied and pasted will not have any formatting issues. Data pasted from a spreadsheet into a text file is separated by tabbed spaces.

(2) Comma Separated Value File (CSV) – Similar to Tetx files, CSV files are more adaptable since they can be opened in spreadsheet programs like Excel and on any operating system with a text editor. Spreadsheet data opens in a CSV file separated by commas when copied and pasted.

(3) Excel Spreadsheet (XLS): Although Excel files and spreadsheets are exclusive to spreadsheet programs such as OpenOffice Calc, Google Sheets, and others, they offer a plethora of formatting options, functions for calculating data, and ways to visually present data through tables and charts. Data pasted into a spreadsheet is organized into rows, columns, and cells, unlike CSV.

See how the same data is presented in a text file, CSV file, and Excel spreadsheet by examining the figure examples below:


Why is the CSV to Excel conversion important?

A common and useful file format for transmitting and storing data is CSV. They are constrained in terms of editing and formatting, though. This is the role of Excel. You can utilize Excel’s more sophisticated features by converting CSV files to Excel.

Excel offers an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to organize and manipulate data in an engaging and dynamic manner. Excel allows you to create:

  • Tables
  • Charts
  • Graphs 

This is to help you examine and show your data. It also supports more advanced formulas and functions for complex calculations and data processing.

Converting a CSV file to Excel is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Once you have converted the file, you can format the data as you see fit, add borders and colors to the cells, and apply numerous styles to the page. These formatting choices are not accessible in a CSV file.

Converting a CSV file to Excel is vital because it allows you to take advantage of the many features offered by Excel, including comprehensive formatting and editing capabilities, strong calculations and functions, and interactive visualization tools. It’s a simple method to make your data more accessible and easier to work with.

Transform a CSV or text file into an Excel spreadsheet.

The instructions below to import a TXT or CSV file into Excel apply to several versions of Excel, including Ecexel 2021, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, and Excel in Microsoft 365.

  • Click the Data tab after opening the Excel spreadsheet where the data is to be saved.
  • Click From Text in the Get External Data group.


  • Click Import after selecting the TXT or CSV file you wish to convert.


  • Choose “Delimited” now. An Excel “delimiter” is a fancy way of saying that your data is separated and grouped using tabs in your TXT file or commas in your CSV file.
  • Click Next, then in the Data preview section, choose the delimiter that divides your data into separate columns.
  • To convert a TXT file, select “Tab,” and to convert a CSV file, select “Comma.”


Note: If the column header text contains more than one word, selecting “Space” may occasionally cause the column to split into numerous columns. A “First Name” column, for instance, becomes both a “First” and a “Name” column. Verify that your data is aligned with the intended column header by closely examining the Data preview!

  • Click Next now.


  • Choose “General”.
  • Select “Finish.”


  • Select “Existing Worksheet” next.
  • Then, update the field with “=$A$1”. This ensures that the spreadsheet’s Row 1, Column A cell is where your data starts. A file import problem may occur if there are any blank rows in the spreadsheet containing your data.
  • Click OK when finished.


  • Next, select Save.


You can now change the column headers in your file to ensure that they meet standard headings, fix spelling errors, update the formatting, and delete special characters. Your file is now an Excel file. Save your file and import your contacts when you are ready.

How may typical problems with the conversion of CSV to Excel be found and fixed?

Common Problem 1: Excel Opens a CSV File in Just One Column

It can be annoying to discover that all of the data in a CSV file opens in a single column in Excel. This occurs as a result of Excel splitting data into columns using the list separator that is configured in your Windows Regional settings. A CSV file will open in one column if the delimiter used in it is different from the default separator.


Fortunately, there are a number of potential fixes for this issue. While some solutions require modifying Windows settings or VBA macros, our attention will be on a simple workaround that will not interfere with any other running programs on your system.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Make use of Excel’s integrated Text to Columns function. With the help of this tool, you can divide the contents of a single column into other columns according to a chosen delimiter.
  2. Choose the column containing the information you wish to divide.
  3. On the Data tab, select the Text to Columns button.
  4. To divide the data into columns and select the delimiter that corresponds with your CSV file, simply follow the instructions.


It is most likely the result of a different delimiter when a CSV file opens in Excel as a single column. Thankfully, Excel has a useful function that allows you to divide the data into columns and make it easier to understand. You may quickly and simply resolve this issue without modifying your Windows settings or utilizing any complex macros by using the Text to Columns tool.

Common Problem 2: Resolving Excel’s CSV Date Format Problems

Some dates are even converted to text, or the days and months are reversed. Although this can be annoying, there are ways to fix it.

The date format of the CSV file typically differs from the operating system’s default date format, which is why the issue arises. Excel may misread the dates as a result and format them improperly.

The good news is that, based on the particular issue you are having, you can try a number of options. These could consist of:

  1. Modifying the format of the date
  2. Converting Text to Columns in Excel
  3. Applying a formula to the dates

You can convert your CSV file to Excel with the proper date formatting by following these easy steps.

Common Problem 3: Excel Is not Using Scientific Notation

One issue that might arise when working with CSV files in Excel is that large numbers are often automatically written into scientific notation, which can make them difficult to read and comprehend. This happens when a number is more precise than Excel can handle up to 15 digits.

In order to meet the limitation, the software automatically converts these numbers to scientific notation; the result is an ugly format such as 2.34B+08.

Fortunately, Excel does not have to automatically convert your numbers to scientific notation. You may disable it. Importing the numbers as text gives you the option to preserve the original formatting.

As an alternative, you can display the entire number without any scientific notation by changing the Number format directly in Excel. This can be especially helpful if you need to calculate or analyze these numbers because working with data that has scientific notation might be more difficult.

How can you get better at converting CSV files to Excel spreadsheets?

Although it might occasionally be challenging, converting CSV files to Excel can be done easily. There are several things you can do to hone your CSV to Excel conversion abilities:

  1. Make sure you are well-versed in the distinctions between Excel and CSV file formats. This will enable you to see why certain problems arise throughout the converting process.
  2. Practice converting several CSV file types to Excel. You will become more acquainted with the various problems that may occur and the potential remedies as you gain more experience.
  3. In order to get knowledge from those who have converted CSV to Excel, you may also look for assistance from online resources like video tutorials and discussion boards.
  4. Try out several programs and tools that are intended for this kind of work.
  5. Make sure you are always utilizing the most recent versions of the software.

This will facilitate the conversion process and help you stay ahead of any potential new problems. You can get better at converting CSV to Excel and become an expert at it with some practice and research.

Last Words

In summary, there are a few common challenges that arise when converting CSV to Excel, including formatting errors, date format concerns, and the conversion of integers to scientific notation.

Nonetheless, there are easy fixes for these issues that can enhance the precision and usefulness of your data.

You may steer clear of these issues and make sure that your CSV files are correctly structured and prepared for usage in Excel by heeding the advice and solutions provided in this article.

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